JCD4U Church, Inc. is an official IRS 501(3)(c)
JCD4U Church, Inc. is an official IRS 501(3)(c)
(Residents blurred for privacy)
Terence and Pamela Wilson are born-again Christians who have been married for more than 22 years. They preach every Sunday to residents of three metro Atlanta nursing homes. The Wilsons were ordained in 2012. Terence is the church pastor. Pamela is the church administrator. They both have a passion for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with elderly people, many of whom are lonely and isolated. They both extensively study the Bible. Terence.Wilson is CEO of a leading pest control company and was previously an award-winning sales professional in the home services industry for 25 years. He has worked with Servicemaster Inc. and Orkin and won national sales awards for sixteen consecutive years. In ministry, he has a gift for delivering sermons relevant to senior members, as he avidly studies the Old and New Testaments. He was mentored by the late Rev. Dr. Gilbert Burkett and was inducted into the Association of Christian Ministers in 2020. Pamela.Wilson is an author, award-winning journalist, and currently a media relations specialist with the federal government. She previously worked in media relations for the state of Georgia, City of Atlanta, and Atlanta International Airport. She has ministered to women groups in South Carolina and Georgia, and leads a women's Zoom Bible study. She was mentored by her husband and inducted into the Association of Christian Ministers in 2020. The Wilsons reside in metro Atlanta, Georgia.
JCD4U Church is recognized by the IRS as a charitable organization 501(3) (c) and an official nonprofit organization in the State of Georgia. The church was founded in 2010 by Terence and Pamela Wilson to bring church services to nursing home residents. Although the church has a church office and warehouse in Lawrenceville, GA, it does not have a traditional church building. Ministry takes place at nursing homes, where there is great need. According to studies, nursing home residents are twice as likely to suffer from loneliness and depression compared to other populations. The studies also found that residents who have a regular church or faith activity are far less likely to suffer from depression, and in fact, report hope and resilience. The Wilsons are the regular pastors at three nursing homes, while serving as visiting clergy at two other homes. Realizing the impact on families, the Wilsons also began offering bereavement counseling and funeral services. Later they also offered nursing home staffers a free Christian-themed aerobic exercise class, presented by Pamela, when she became a certified aerobics instructor. The free class was also offered to area churches and was aired on a local Christian television station. During the Corona-virus pandemic in 2020, the Wilsons temporarily changed church services to phone and video format and began providing free cell phones to residents.